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BYJU's 6 Secret Strategies to be Successful

BYJU's 6 Secret Strategies to be Successful Did Shahrukh Khan take admission in the school? Maybe not So, then what he is promot...

BYJU's 6 Secret Strategies to be Successful

Did Shahrukh Khan take admission in the school? Maybe not So, then what he is promoting on TV these days? And because of promotion by Shahrukh Khan, and the power of media the download of that mobile app went from 9,000 per day to 50,000 per day. Which is this company of India? that is one of the top five Internets valued company of India. That is India's number one Ed-tech start-up that has more than 9000 employees it has, nearly, 50% female employees Friends, I'm talking about India's new pride, Ed-tech start-up BYJU whose valuation on January 2020 was $8 Billion, And $78 million revenue in 2019. First, let's know about BYJU Raveendran And after that, we'll see to the company philosophy and how it became successful and how you can adopt some learning and use it for your business.

BYJU's 6 Secret Strategies to be Successful

BYJU Raveendran was born in Connor. His parents were teachers. He finished his education there was deeply in love with Maths You can also say that Maths was his first girlfriend, and after that, BYJU Raveendran became an engineer He worked in Pan Ocean Shipping company in the UK as an engineer, In this case, study, there are some interesting incidents which you should know While he was working in the UK, he was approached by some of his friends as they wanted to do CAT he started teaching them. CAT means a common admission test He started teaching his friends. He came back to India and gave CAT And the fun part is that though his friends did very well in their exams. BYJU Raveendran scored 100 percent, and after that BYJU Raveendran keep getting calls from IIMs, so, BYJU Raveendran should have accepted the offer Yes. According to the common understanding. But, he was different. 

He went back as he didn't want to study After few years, he again came back to India and give CAT And the fun part, second time also he scored 100 percent After scoring 100 marks twice, his pride and prestige, He was getting offers from everywhere for teaching or giving speeches, and the fun part After his couple of seminars, the 1200 seated auditorium were becoming houseful, and BYJU Raveendran became a hit Since auditorium were going houseful. His condition was like if Saturday morning, he is in Bangalore then by evening he is Chennai, he is in Hyderabad or Delhi on Sunday morning and this followed slowly. The success stories were building up his students were being selected for IIMs, IITs & other places Some of his students decided to join him instead till 2009, five of his brilliant students joined him, And BYJU Raveendran saw that India has some big shortcomings. 

The primary and middle level at school Children don't have the access to quality education and uniformity learning in 2011, he along with his friends officially launched BYJU. How much has he spent between 2011 and 2019? Nearly 7-8 years, when now the company's worth is $8 billion. Even you're doing business for almost 20 years Right in front of the eyes if a person worth crores in 7-8 years Then we should learn from that person. Because, now, the length of time is not important for success. Right efforts, directions, positioning, strategies are important. So come on, let be introduce you to some of the reasons behind BYJU 's success.

1st Strategy: 

BYJU did a very strategic marketing. A lot of companies advised him that since his product is for children but the payments are made by parents So, focus your Ads on parents BYJU said that everyone makes this mistake, BYJU focused his complete marketing campaign on children. He focused on quality, he focused on content and brought in the Shahrukh Khan's stardom. It means if your product has the potential Then, the presence of the right marketing strategies is compulsory. 

2nd Strategy: 

You find the problem which concerns to a large population, and give its solution. BYJU saw a problem that every child in India has to go to a school. But the fun part is that school lacks in having quality teachers there is lack of consistency teaching neither the teachers are the same nor the consistency of teaching. And despite the syllabus is same all over India, the results vary from school to school and children to children. BYJU started assembling all the quality teachers in one place, for this he invited a huge cost, One expert, in just one day can give 30 seconds of output. And make a product for a single grade the cost is nearly 3 million. BYJU never compromised in quality. He saw a problem first- lack of quality teachers second- consistency of quality teaching, he solved both these problems with uniformity by developing an app. And BYJU was extremely well-received. 

3rd Strategy: 

BYJU knew that the schools are already there are tuitions, schools have extra classes. Then why would anybody use his app? But he also knew that the timing of tuitions and schools are fixed. The schools are not conducted every day. The holidays are fixed The coachings are not available when you want. He thought that if access is given for any time, your children can learn anytime.They can study in the early morning, they can study on Sunday, on holidays, at night. They can study at early morning or till late at night. He said the way adults need the flexibility of time if we give the same flexibility of time, and anytime access to children. Then their parents will happily accept it because they can study on the train journey, on flight journeys, they can study at home and anywhere, they give any time access. Can you give access to your customers according to their comfort? I can't say giving access 100%, but according to your capacity give importance to their comfort. 

BYJU teaches to give access in their comfort zone next lesson. He knew that today's children after school, spend the most time in front of the TV, and with smartphones, the parents are sick of Smartphone disease. But they can't do anything about it because their children are addicted to it. BYJU thought to add a positive side to this disease. He put everything in the app that can be happily accessed from smartphones. Now parents have no worries. If their children are having a Smartphone then there is a complete possibility that they will study half of the time. So, the will of a kid to carry a smartphone is fulfilled parents are nearly tension-free of their children using smartphones. And the spare time is used for exceptional learning. Because of this reason, the children studying from BYJU are taking uninterrupted lessons for an average of 50 minutes in a day, the figures are wonderful. They are studying for more than 50 minutes a day. This shows that the app is as effective as the school's education. 

4th Strategy: 

The place should be attractive and amazing. Where the kids are spending time, he set an idea called the knowledge graph. Under which he established personalized learning, the way they want to study. Through videos, graphs, or texts By any way they want to study. For this they created a triangle-Content, Media and Technology, he blended content, media, and technology in his app in such a way that a kid studying from the app thinks that he is getting only the things he wants, Because of this amazing innovative technology. BYJU's app is so much popular with children. And even after spending over an hour on this app, they don't feel bored. 

5th strategy:

BYJU Raveendran thought, if I'll address only one group then my business would stay limited to that, and this would be the same with another target group. He noticed the curriculum in India's education. He saw that there are 3main curriculum in India, BYJU showcasing excellent business intelligence, He designed content for all the three curricula, he had a clear vision of completely capturing the market. If you're a business owner, so let me ask you today Are there any parts of the market that is neglected by you? Can you bring little modification in your current products, and captures an additional area of the market? The present customer that gives you valid shares, gives something from his pocket. Can you give you more money if you introduce a new product line? All these things we upload in our Start-up Blog.

6th strategy:

I would like to finish by saying this one thing. How does he handle his employees? BYJU Raveendran praises his employees a lot. He believes in the culture of appreciation. He believes that you can not achieve anything by criticizing, your employees will reach the next level through appreciation and praise. And that's the reason that people working with him are happy. That's why all the experienced teachers join him without any ego clashes, that's why the rate of attrition is very low, and that's the reason why BYJU Raveendran is slowly reaching to the top. Read this Case Study not once, but many times from today. 

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