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Concept of Six Sigma | Methodology | Six Sigma for Beginners

Concept of Six Sigma Six Sigma is a technique for reducing errors in any kind of process. The purpose of every business is to satisfy ...

Concept of Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a technique for reducing errors in any kind of process. The purpose of every business is to satisfy customers and make a profit. These objectives can be addressed by reducing errors in the process. By reducing errors, the business can produce more products and increase profits. By reducing the variability in the process, the business can offer customers the products or services they need.

Concept of Six Sigma

Two modes of six sigma

Six Sigma uses two methods for the problem. They are:

1. DMAIC -

The DMAIC method consists of 5 steps; Define measurement analysis, correction, and control. It can be used to improve an existing process. This way the problem is identified, the effectiveness of the problem is measured and the root cause of the problem is analyzed. The root cause is then removed in the current process and the process is controlled without returning to the previous state. It controls variation in the process.

2. DMADV -

There are 5 steps to this method; Analyze, design, and validate measurements. It can be used to create a new process that makes no difference. This is known as the design for Six Sigma (DFSS). This way the problem is identified, the effectiveness of the problem is measured and the root cause of the problem is analyzed. The system is designed to eliminate and validate the identified problem.

DPMO - The goal of every six sigma project

The goal of every six sigma project is to achieve a 3.4 error metric per million possibilities. The goal of Six Sigma methods is to make the system more sophisticated, and this process does not create more than 3.4 errors per million possibilities. The goal cannot be achieved overnight or in any one project. It undertakes a series of projects at all levels of the business at different levels of business.

Six Sigma Principles

There are 5 main principles of Six Sigma:

1. Focus on customer needs:

An early step in the Six Sigma process is to define "quality" from the consumer's point of view. Each customer defines quality differently. Businesses must measure quality in the same way that their customers do. By meeting customer needs. Quality for the customer.

2. Use data to identify differences in the process:

Two types of process changes; Special causal variation and natural variation. Specific causal variation is caused by external factors. Natural variation is the random variation in the process. The purpose of Six Sigma is to reduce specific causal variation. To identify the root cause of diversity, it is necessary to understand the process. The understanding of the process needs to be deep and comprehensive. Knowledge cannot be obtained until the process is studied. You need to understand the whole process, and also the detailed data is important for the process.

To collect detailed data:

  • Clearly define data collection objectives
  • Identification of data.
  • Define the reason for data collection
  • Define Expected Insights
  • Define the method of data collection
  • Analyze the measurement system to eliminate errors in data collection
  • Define a data collection plan

The Six Sigma process involves several steps, and asking questions in data collection.

After the data collection is over, check whether the data collected that provides the knowledge needed to fulfill the established objectives. If it's failed, then resume the process and get more data. Repeat the process to find the answer. Identify the root causes of variation in the process and try to eliminate it with the help of collected data. After identifying possible root causes, analyze it. To identify the significant root cause of the difference, use statistical analysis.

3. Process improvement to eliminate diversity:

After identifying the root causes, make changes to eliminate variation in the process. In this way, errors in the process can be eliminated. Additionally, find ways to eliminate steps that don't add value to the customer. This eliminates waste in the process. Identify the variation and remove it. Don’t wait for diversity to show itself. Collect data to identify process changes, talk to people, and study the data. Differentiation may become routine, because "we are always so."

4. Peoples involvement from different levels of management process:

Six Sigma builds on the foundation of good teams. Those in charge of Six Sigma processes are good teams. Team people need training in Six Sigma techniques. Creating a cross-functional team with people of diverse backgrounds can help identify the differences.

For example, the Six Sigma team from the Health Care Project includes top management personnel, doctors, nurses, managers, operations, and procurement personnel.

5. Flexible and Fully:

Six Sigma requires compatibility from various angles. Business management systems must accept positive changes. To eliminate diversity, people should be motivated to accept changes in the system. To motivate the employee, the benefits of the Six Sigma system should be made clear to employees of all levels. This makes the change easily acceptable. Six Sigma also needs to reduce diversity altogether. To understand all aspects of a process - steps, stakeholders, and ways of being involved. This helps to ensure that any new or updated processes work.

The Importance of Six Sigma Principles

Six Sigma is such a popular approach to process management because it is the way anyone can improve their processes. This is a central customer and product-oriented approach. The main objective of this approach is to avoid waste and provide the product by meeting all the needs of the customer, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. To accurately analyze the process, Six Sigma requires accurate data. By applying Six Sigma to a company, downstream goals are also known as business success factors.

  • Increasing production
  • Increase the quality
  • Low operating cost
  • High customer satisfaction
  • Good employees morale
  • Effective work environment

By applying the Six Sigma method, businesses can reduce variability in the process. With Six Sigma in the process, the business can focus on customer needs. It can follow customer needs. A business can improve its customer satisfaction by following its customers' needs. Highly satisfied customers bring greater benefits to the business. With the help of Six Sigma, the cost of the operation is reduced and it is converted into profit. It improves employee morale and workplace flexibility, making it a happy and efficient workplace. This gives the product greater productivity and quality.

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