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Passive Income Opportunity | Share Your Favorite Products Through Affiliate Marketing!

You're earning even without doing anything or while sleeping, right? If you believe it or not, passive income indeed exists. One of t...

You're earning even without doing anything or while sleeping, right? If you believe it or not, passive income indeed exists. One of them is YouTube, okay? But that is not what I will be discussing to you today. I will discuss another strategy that you can do online. No experience or age is required here. So if you're interested, please stay tuned so that you get to know how to earn passive income.

Passive Income Opportunity | Share Your Favorite Products Through Affiliate Marketing!

Okay, back to our topic earlier, passive income. So one of the ways you can earn passive income is through affiliate marketing. You've probably heard of it. If you're wondering what it is, then this is the right article for you. So affiliate marketing is a product or a service referral system. So, for example, you have a friend that is offering her coaching services. In your line of work, you know a lot of people looking to upgrade their skills to look for someone who can train them. So even if they don't know each other, you can bring those two together and you'll be the affiliate. So you'll be referring your coach friend to those who are looking for someone to train them or will coach them. Your friend coach will give you a part of their earnings as an affiliate or as a partner, which is like a referral. I don't want to use "referral" because there's a negative connotation about that, where there's pyramiding, it's not. 

Affiliate marketing is so different from that. This is more about promoting businesses and helping them get the word out about their product and services. In a way, you're also helping your other acquaintances to find a recommended service for them. So in this article, I will share with you how much you can earn with affiliate marketing, what are the requirements, where you can become a partner or affiliate, where you can join, what are the pros and cons, and also tips on becoming a successful affiliate marketer. I know you're here because you want to earn. I'm doing affiliate marketing. I promote Shopee products links or Lazada, right? If you click on it, you will still see the same product, same price, no additionals. But Lazada or Shopee or whatever store it is, they will give me a part of their earnings for referring business to them. So that's how affiliate marketing works

Passive Income Opportunity | Share Your Favorite Products Through Affiliate Marketing!

What are the requirements to join an affiliate? 

Technically, there are no set requirements. There aren't age requirements also, no experience is required. Because it's up to you on how to promote or market their product or service. But it still depends on what you'll join. For example, Lazada is now requiring a BRI form. So you need to have business permits and stuff. But usually, what you need is active followers, and be able to provide them where you'll promote their products or services

1. Involve Asia -

Involve Asia doesn't require any minimum followers or anything like that. As long as you can provide the Vlog or your Youtube channel, or Facebook page or Instagram, where you have active people to promote your affiliate links, then that is already good. So that is 1, Involve Asia. 

2. Lazada Affiliate -

Lazada's affiliate programs aren't always open. I've tried in the past and I always miss their deadline. Then, the last time I checked because they are open this August they're already requiring the BRI form or BRI certificate along with a couple of other IDs. So if you are a registered business owner or professional or if you have that kind of form, because nowadays it's hard to take care of papers in government offices. But if you already have those, then you can apply as a Lazada affiliate. So your favorite products on Lazada, all you have to do is just create a link on their affiliate program. Then, paste the link on different platforms like Facebook page or Instagram page. If somebody clicks that link, then you will earn a small commission. 

3. Shopee -

So Shopee has a Shopee Ambassador Programme. I just joined their webinar yesterday. But the thing is, this is for an exclusive invite. Not everyone can join the Shopee Ambassador Programme It's a recently launched program where you need to have active followers. to which you can promote your favorite products from Shopee

4. We have - 

This is probably not only for the Philippines but all over the globe, it's Amazon. We all know that Amazon has a lot of products. So if you're an Amazon affiliate, same as Lazada and Shopee, choose a product you want to promote. Then, create a link and put it online, anywhere, like in your YouTube description, pinned comment, Facebook page, or promote it in different Facebook groups, so that someone clicks on the link, that's how it works. Apart from Amazon, you also have eBay Partner Program. I still haven't checked this but I've heard of eBay Partner Program. The same way that Amazon and Lazada affiliates work

5. Product link -

So the Product link is under Involve Asia but it gives a bigger commission. The problem with the Product link is the link you'll be giving will be valid for only 30 days. They require to have a minimum of 10,000 active followers on your social media platform. 10,000 on YouTube or 10,000 on Facebook or 10,000 on Instagram. 

Those are the six different portals where you can apply as an affiliate partner. Of course, there are more different types of affiliation. But these 5 are the I would say the most popular here in the world because promoting product links is easier compared to service links because you already have a promotion to do.

Passive Income Opportunity | Share Your Favorite Products Through Affiliate Marketing!

What are the pros and cons of affiliate marketing? What are the good things about affiliate marketing? 

1. Passive income -

Once you put the link out here, you don't need to do anything else. You'll just need to wait to reach the minimum payout or withdrawal amount. Then, that's it. As long as the link is still valid and someone's clicking on it so even if you're sleeping and someone clicks on your link and buys using that link, then you will continue to earn commissions

2. Free schedule - 

So you can work as much or as little as you want. For example, you made these days a product link on how to promote it either through a Facebook post, or a Youtube video or an Instagram post, and then you've put the link. Then, if you want to create more products or if you want to create more links, that is up to you. Of course, the more links, and the more products, the more promotions, the better. But you're not tight on schedule. It's not like 9 to 5 jobs. It's up to you on how much time you can spend to market links. 

3. It's straightforwards and easy - 

That is all you have to do. Look for a product or service you want to promote make a link to it on the partner program. Then promote it anywhere online and then that's it. You'd just need to wait for your payout. Now, what are the cons? Or what are the bad things? Maybe not bad but not our favorite, right? 1 as I said earlier, there's a negative connotation of referral links. I see a lot of: "Are you earning just because of referrals?" So, I don't know, for me, it's a little bit toxic to call it or to refer it that way. Because referrals are for those who'll click if they want to click or not. It is never forced upon anyone, right? So all these content creators are just giving you options. Whether or not you want to earn here. Do you think this is a fit for you? If not, it's fine. Of course, businesses, a lot of them, maybe they know how to create the product or the service but they are not sure how to market it. That is the specialty of affiliate partners or content creators. It's how to market and promote different links and products. That is what content creators or YouTubers do. They show you your options online, right? That is sometimes the problem: "That's a referral, I don't want it" or something to that effect. There's a negative connotation. But again, that is up to you. 

4. Your marketing strategy may not always click -

So, of course, even with me although our channel is kind of big, not all of my videos click. Not every video reaches my expected number of views. So sometimes we have strategies that don't work. For example, sometimes I used a wrong wording or my way of promoting was wrong, or the timing or maybe the way I packaged the information wasn't nice. So it's still a trial and error kind of thing. Not all marketings work out. So that's one of the cons of affiliate marketing

Passive Income Opportunity | Share Your Favorite Products Through Affiliate Marketing!

5. Finding the right products or services to refer -

So looking for one is a little hard, especially if you're just starting with affiliate marketing. It's a little hard to find products or services that you'll refer to. For example, you're passionate about gardening. That is trending nowadays. You want to promote a certain shop or a certain product about gardening tools or home tools. But you posted it on a makeup vlog. So not everyone interested in makeup will be interested in the gardening stuff. You always have to think of where to place your ad. So that is what I mean, sometimes it's hard to find a product or service that you'll be referring to because not everyone likes what most people like. So what are my tips for a more successful affiliate marketing? So before telling it, I'm not an affiliate marketing expert, but it is one of the things that you can earn from as a side income. You saw earlier my dashboard from Involve Asia, so it's not that big. So I wouldn't set your expectations unless you have a lot of followers and you're super active in posting affiliate links. But based on my research you can earn up to $10,000 This is probably in another country, right? Here in the Philippines, I would say around ₱10,000-15,000 a month for an average affiliate marketer. Back to the tips, we went a bit far. First, think of useful content. When you're selling you can't just display it because you're not the merchant. You are the marketer. You have to think: "Why will this be successful?" So it has to be something learning just our intended audience. So they need to learn something just apart from the product or service you're promoting. 

6. Proper placings of links - 

You need to put it in the right niche. Here we go again with the niche. You have to think about your intended audience. Where do they often stay or view the content? Is it on Facebook? Is it on YouTube? What type of Facebook page or YouTube page will you be putting in your links? So the creators are of the things you need to consider in placement. 

7. Just do it continuously - 

Not everyone who first started with affiliate marketing earns create the away. Even me, as I said I'm not that active, till haven't withdrawn from involving Asia up to now. That's why this content about affiliate marketing took a while. One other affiliate marketing service that worked for me was the proofreading one. If you're just starting with affiliate marketing, try it, do not stop. So that your earnings are bigger and so that you get the hang of what will work and what is not the most effective strategy. Then you just keep on strategy may affiliate links and posting them online. Again, here is one of our proof of earnings from one of our affiliate partners. The ones I refer to the red here didn't pay anything. They gained information on how to be a proofreader. Or how to get a proof rewording or ness, right? 

Passive Income Opportunity | Share Your Favorite Products Through Affiliate Marketing!

The reason why we're sharing so much I packaged the hat you will find the right fit for you. Affiliate marketing is honestly not for everyone. So among all the online gigs, you need to find the one fit or suitable for you, the one just right for you. You've learned hopefully something and are willing to try affiliate marketing. If it's gonna work for you. If you have any questions or if I miss using anything in this article, please free to comment on it down below so that we can check the information. Thank you for reading, bye! 

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