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Finally China agrees to Covid-19 investigation, WHO response

China succumbed to international pressure. Beijing has said it agrees to investigate the origin of the coronavirus . At a meeting of the Wo...

China succumbed to international pressure. Beijing has said it agrees to investigate the origin of the coronavirus. At a meeting of the World Health Organization on Monday, China agreed to a transparent, impartial, and responsible investigation. President Xi Jinping said.

Finally China agrees to Covid-19 investigation, WHO response

Earlier, countries tried to find out what the source of the coronavirus was in northern China. The question of how the Corona epidemic took shape in the whole world, who is responsible for it, also came up in this meeting. The United States led the way in cornering China. All in all, China has responded to the investigation by accepting the rate at this meeting. Questions were also raised about WHO's role, with Beijing reportedly agreeing to an impartial investigation. Corona will be investigated under the pressure of hundreds of countries.

President Jinping said China has always supported the idea of ​​an impartial investigation. This will help you to find the source of the corona. However, Beijing initially rejected the idea of ​​an investigation by Washington and Canberra. On Tuesday, 120 member countries will draft a draft on the nature of the investigation and how it will begin. All countries are reported to have agreed to this.

Note that Australia is the first country to demand an investigation into the coronavirus. The country's foreign minister, Maurice Pine, said it was important to find the cause of the outbreak and to investigate it impartially. The countries that have supported the draft proposal include India, Japan, Britain, South Korea, Brazil, and Canada.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump claimed that the World Health Organization had withheld multiple pieces of information from China even after the spread of the coronavirus. The U.S. president also threatened to cut off financial aid to WHO. He said the WHO did not take the outbreak of the Corona epidemic in China seriously. WHO has an opaque role in the global corona spread. WHO's work in this regard will be reviewed, after which it will be reconsidered whether WHO can be paid. Trump's claim is spreading false information.

As a result of relying on information provided by China, the magnitude of the Corona attack in the world has increased 20 times, which is in no way justifiable. At today's meeting, the Chinese president said that the way WHO has worked to combat the coronavirus is commendable. The work of the World Health Organization has also been praised in the international arena.

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