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PETA video reveals, Bats and Dogs are being sold in multiple Wet markets in Asia

The wet market in China has been around for a long time. But, due to the recent coronavirus , that wet market came to the headlines. This ...

The wet market in China has been around for a long time. But, due to the recent coronavirus, that wet market came to the headlines. This market is mainly for selling animal meat. They were rumored to have been shut down after the Corona epidemic. But it is known that the wet market is still open. Bats are being sold there, from which it is heard that the corona has been infected.

PETA video reveals, Bats and Dogs are being sold in multiple Wet markets in Asia

Not only bats, but also monkey meat is being sold. Animal rights group PETA recently released the video. The company has recorded the footage. There are live dogs, monkeys, snakes, and bats being sold in the market. PETA has complained to the government. PETA President Ingrid Newark said in a press release that they have petitioned to close the market. This market is booming in different parts of Asia.

In a video, it is seen that bats and monkeys are being sold at the Jatinegara Bird Market in Jakarta. With whom SARS has a relationship. This Jakarta is the epicenter of the corona infection in Indonesia. But these are being sold without any hesitation.

These are being sold in covered boxes. These foods are common in some parts of the country. Even a rabbit was seen dying in front of the camera. A similar market can be seen in Ho Chi Min Street in Vietnam. Different parts of the dog's body such as the head and other parts are being cooked and sold. The same scene is in Zhejiang, China. People walking on the bloody streets of the Philippines.

PETA-Asia has appealed to the health ministers of China, Indonesia, and Thailand to close those markets immediately. The virus is thought to have first spread from the Wuhan market in China. And marine animals were sold there. Exactly where the virus came from is debated.

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